I support initiatives aiming at building modern leadership in Polish companies and helping managers and company owners in successful transformation of their businesses on their path to grow. I am public speaker at business conferences.
AlmaYEspiritu is an online platform which delivers mindfulness and work-life balance tools for people around the globe. Today I talk to the founder – Criss Cuervo about her and her team’s experience with developing a business model for the platform.
Building business model of a mobile application in the agricultural industry
MapMyApple is a mobile application based on machine learning that supports apple growers by equipping them with daily recommendations for orchard management, to help them achieve higher yields and better apple quality. Today I talk to the founder – David Blazevski about his and his management teams’ – Jovana Djdorjić and Mihajlo Milenković – experience with developing a business model for their application.
Building business model in the video communication industry. Interview with the co-founder of Gather-in.
Gather-in is a promising tech-based startup in the video communication industry. In my interview with Memet Ali Alabora, co-founder of Gather-in we discuss his experience with building a business model based on digital technology in a highly competitive environment.
How to jump-start your startup. Critical success factors for startups in the growth phase
Startups entering the growth phase face new challenges resulting from a bigger scale of activities. It is a moment when they can either stumble or surge. What are the key levers for startups in the growth phase to develop and succeed?
Business model pivots in time of covid-19 # food industry
As we slowly emerge into a new normal, the food industry is also preparing for possible pivots. Let us review some new trends and possible changes in food business with food experts and practitioners that I have invited to this interview.
Scalable business model in the research industry
The executive team from RealEye, a fast-growing, tech-based startup in the research industry was among the participants of the second edition of Business Model Mastering at Google Campus for Startups Warsaw. In my interview with Adam Cellary, Founder and CEO of RealEye we discuss his experience with building a scalable business model based on digital technology.
Designing value proposition on B2B currency market
Radek Wierzbicki, recent participant of Business Model Mastering at Google Campus Warsaw is the Founder and CEO of Trefix, a promising fintech in B2B sector, which provides currency risk management application. The reason why I have asked Radek for this interview is twofold. First – because Radek and his team are experts in currency management risk and taking into consideration highly volatile economic environment we are currently witnessing I wanted to hear from Radek his predictions for 2020. Second reason for this interview is because Trefix is a great example of designing new value proposition based on the observation of Customers’ unsolved problems and pain points. Therefore I wanted Radek to share his experience in designing value proposition with other startup founders. ……
What the CEO in SME company should know about sales channels to make them profitable?
Sales channels are one of key building blocks in every company’s business model. They give access to company’s offer, they deliver value promised in the offer and they assist clients in their buying process. Mismatched channels can however generate excessive costs or even restrain our sales.