Contemporary entrepreneurs need to constantly refresh their knowldedge and competences to be successful in their businesses. Otherwise they limit their chances to grow. I write about topics which I consider to be crucial for contemporary business: about the tansformation of marketing, sales and the entire business models.


What makes startups strong – critical thinking

The power of visionary leaders lies in their creativity and will to achieve their goals. The visionary leaders’ minds are capable to generate many ideas, often on the spur of moment or sudden intuition. However, with limited resources they have, in order to implement those ideas, they need to select and prioritize. To do so they need critical thinking.


What makes startups weak

I have been writing last year mostly about best practices. However, I believe it is equally important to learn from mistakes. That is why my first article in 2023 will be about common mistakes that impede startups efforts to pave their way for growth. If you feel that you have a great product idea that can solve the problems of many customers but for some reason your business development is too slow, I hope this post will help you find a new inspiration for the 2023 activities.


Building a business model of a tech skills platform. Interview with the Hub21 team.

The world has been changing faster than ever due to improvements in technology sector. However, schools face the challenge to catch up with technology education and there is a shortage of trained teachers in this area. Today I talk to the founders of Hub21 – a platform which aims at connecting today’s technology producers with tomorrow`s in order to empower them with Coding, Game Dev, and Creative Tech. Didem and Sylvain share with me the story of how they worked on the business model of their platform.


Building a business model of a sound healing application. Interview with the team.

The importance of mental wellbeing is being raised more and more often, but people still don’t know how to manage their feelings and transform them without bottling them up all the time. Today I talk to the founders of –  a sound healing and AI-based application helping us to manage stress and anxiety. They share with me their story of how they developed and commercialized their application, working at the intersection of psychology, science, technology and business.
