Managing the startup: Controlling

Today I would like to dive deeper into area of controlling. Beyond budget management, it’s about steering various aspects crucial for success and financial result of any startup.

Let me discuss some of the most significant:

⏱️ Time Management: Efficient time usage is a game-changer. By tracking activities, startups ensure every moment contributes to growth. For instance, excessive time spent on non-core tasks can drain resources and delay sales, impacting revenue streams.

📦 Inventory Optimization: Balancing overstocks and product rotation is key. Excess inventory ties up capital and space, leading to increased holding costs and potential obsolescence. Conversely, inadequate inventory can result in missed sales opportunities.

🔍 Market Research: Keeping tabs on market trends and customer feedback is crucial. It helps startups to anticipate changing demands, and adapt their strategies accordingly. Ignoring market dynamics can lead to missed opportunities, decreased competitiveness, and ultimately, financial losses.

💡 Financial Monitoring: Regular financial analysis is vital. It helps to pinpoint areas of overspending or underutilization, and make informed decisions. For example, tracking cash flow ensures liquidity for operations and investments, while monitoring expenses highlights opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements.

🔄 Staff Retention: High staff turnover can hinder progress. Continuously hiring and training new employees not only incurs recruitment costs but also disrupts workflow and team dynamics. Retaining talent fosters stability, productivity, and institutional knowledge, ultimately bolstering the bottom line.

📊 Performance Metrics: Measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) provides valuable insights into business performance. Whether it’s customer acquisition costs, conversion rates, or churn rates, these metrics guide strategic planning and resource allocation. Failing to track KPIs can result in aimless decision-making and missed growth targets.

🔒 Management of information resources: Well-organized data facilitate quick retrieval of necessary information, thus eliminating time wasted on ineffective searches. Additionally, properly planned processes of data archiving and categorization enable swift information processing, leading to increased employee productivity. Moreover, systematic management of information resources helps avoid redundant material creation and minimizes the risk of losing crucial data,


By embracing comprehensive control measures across these areas, startups lay a sound foundation for sustainable growth and success in the competitive business landscape.

About the author:

Agnieszka Węglarz is an independent consultant, business strategist and practitioner in B2B and B2C, as well as lecturer, speaker and blogger. She has over 25 years of professional experience working as manager in both large corporations and SMEs, where she was responsible for strategy, marketing and business development. She uses her long term executive experience and training expertise to assist companies and their managers in building and implementing their business strategies. She specializes in business modeling, segmentation, value proposition, sales and marketing strategies as well as consultative selling. She runs her own consultancy business, as well as cooperates with Google for Startups as the business modeling expert and mentor in the acceleration programs. Agnieszka is an author of many business publications. You can read her writing on her business blog on You can contact her directly by sending a message via LinkedIN.